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Madrid, Spain

Crypto Week Madrid

Largest Blockchain, Web3, NFTs and Investment Conference in Spain


Jul 07 - Jul 08

event type



image 99-990

event details

About The Event

Attend the largest conference in Span on Cryptocurrencies, Trading, Investment, Blockchain, NFTs, Web 3 and Metaverse, held simultaneously in Madrid and Online. We're oriented to the learning and professional audience.

Startup Pitch. Funding, Expo & Grant

An amazing opportunity to showcase your startup at the largest Blockchain / Web3 /Crypto conference in Spain.

Subsidized booth at cost price.

Areas of interest for Start Ups: Crypto, Blockchain, Web3, Cybersecurity, AI

Only eligible companies that are in the process of funding round.

Crypto Week Madrid by the numbers:

  • 180+ Speakers
  • 12000+ Assistants
  • 70+ Hours of Content
  • 200+ Partners
  • 200+ Nominees Awards


Blockchain Day - 7th July, Madrid (+ online):

  • Tokenization
  • Exchanges, Custody and Wallets
  • Infrastructure for Crypto Adoption
  • Stablecoins, CBDCS
  • Regulatory Framework

Crypto Week - 7-8th July, Madrid (+ online):

  • DeFi
  • Startup Investing
  • Layer 1,2,3
  • Infrastructure For Crypto Adoption
  • Staking
  • Passive Yields

Web3, NFTs & Metaverse Day - 8th July, Madrid (+ online):

  • Web 3
  • NFTs
  • Metaverso
  • Gaming
  • Art, Utility

Trading & Investing Day - 7-8th July, Madrid (+ online):

  • Long-Term Investment
  • Intraday Trading
  • Macro Environment
  • Stocks, Forex, Indices
  • Algorithmic Trading


  • Alfonso Gomez - CEO BBVA in Switzerland
  • Sanket Bhatia - CEO and Founder ProDecipher
  • Pablo Gil - Professional manager for more than 35 years
  • Robert Machado - Senior Director EMEA at Circle
  • Nikita Sachdev - Founder and CEO of Luna Media Corporation
  • John Murillo - Chief Dealing Officer at B2Broker
  • Alberto Gordo - Founder & CIO, Protein Capital Managment Sarl
  • Francesco Andreolí - Head of Developer Community at Consensys
  • Lauri in Metaverse - Tik Tok Influencer. All about Metaverse and Web3
  • Pilar Troncoso - Digital, Blockchain and Crypto Pioneer - Award Winning Fintech Woman - Serial Entrepreneur - Advisory Board Member
  • Mirko Garozzo - Developer Evangelist for MetaMask
  • Boris Schlossberg - CNN, Bloomberg Speaker & Trader
  • Ian Halperin - #1 NY Times Bestselling Author "Crypto Boy"
  • Rob Booker - Craziest trader in the world ever. Must be seen on stage. AZ (USA)
  • Carlota Corzo - Forbes 30 Under 30. Cofounder Lazzaro
  • Jori Armbruster - co-founder at EthicHub
  • Cristina Carrascosa - Member of the Blockchain Observatory (European Commission), CEO & Co-Founder ATH21
  • Javier Vicente Gonzalez - Blockchain Expert | Ecosystem Growth Manager at Casper
  • Eli Defferary - Forbes Top 100 Best Influencers Award 2021 & 2022. Financial consultant, writer
  • Paola Moran - Product Manager at Telefonica Global | Advising and Investing in Web3.0
  • Xavi Delgado - Director of Operations B3YONDW3B
  • Eneko Knorr - Co-founder and CEO at Stabolut (USB)
  • Ana Elliot - Institutional business development at Kraken
  • Dorian Vincileoni - EU Business Development Manager at Kukoin
  • Carlota Hernández Gil - Head of Marketing Onyze | Digital Assets & Banking
  • Alberto Levy - CEO Poly Cashback
  • Arnau Ramió - Co-Founder Themar Solutions & Cryptomaster Academy | Largest Crypto community in English | Product Director at Unlockd Finance
  • Teodoro García Egea - Telecommunications Engineer. Author of "Cryptoeconomics, beyond Bitcoin"
  • and more...!
Crypto Week Madrid
Crypto Week Madrid
Largest Crypto, Trading, Investment, Blockchain and NFTs Conference in Spain