DeFi Security Summit
Explore some of the biggest exploits, and dive into practical ways that you can integrate tools and techniques to increase security coverage for your code
Jul 15 - Jul 16
event details
About The Event
After an overwhelming response to the first DeFi Security Summit at Stanford, we’re thrilled to be back with the second iteration. This year we will convene at the historic La Maison de la Chimie in Paris, France for two full days directly preceding EthCC.
Over the course of two days, we will hear from the world’s leading DeFi security researchers, auditors, and hackers on how they are working to stay one step ahead – and how you can too. We’ll explore some of the biggest exploits, and dive into practical ways that you can integrate tools and techniques to prevent these types of attacks and increase security coverage for your code.
Since our last summit, we’ve continued to see novel DeFi hacks that have led to billions of dollars of losses. Preventing and mitigating these attacks is critical not only for protecting existing users, but for the success and growth of DeFi as a whole.
- Mitchell Amador CEO, Immunefi
- Francesco Andreoli - Developer Relations Manager, ConsenSys/MetaMask
- Yosuke Aramaki - Tech Lead, Pheasant Network
- Kurt Barry - Security Researcher, Fixed Point Solutions LLC
- Andrew Beal - Ecosystem Lead, Forta Foundation
- Bhargav Bhatt - Research Engineer, Web3 Foundation
- Clément Bihorel - Product Lead, Safe (Core)
- Ernesto Boado - BGD Labs (Aave)
- Fraser Brown - CTO, Cubist, Assistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
- Lucas Martin Calderon - Founder & CEO, Pentestify
- Valerian Callens - Senior Research Engineer, Quantstamp
- Ghila Castelnuovo - R&D Director, Certora
- Robert Chen - CEO, OtterSec
- Tarun Chitra - CEO, Gauntlet
- Nat Chin - Senior Security Engineer, Trail of Bits
- Ren Crypto Fish - Engineer, Electric Capital
- Or Dadosh - Co Founder & CEO, Ironblocks
- Martin Derka - Head of New Initiatives, Quantstamp
- Meir Dolev - Co-Founder & CTO, Cyvers.AI
- Matthias Egli - Co-Founder & CTO, ChainSecurity
- Josselin Feist - Engineering Director, Trail of Bits
- Quentin Garchery - Protocol researcher, Morpho Labs
- Fabrizio Romano - Genovese, 20squares
- Zeeshan Meghji - Quantstamp
- Mudit Gupta - CISO at Polygon & Technical Partner, Delta Blockchain Fund
- Chris Hart - CEO, Civic Technologies
- Adrian Hetman - Tech Lead of Triaging, Immunefi
- Justin Jacob - Blockchain Security Engineer, Trail of Bits
- Noah Jelich - Lead Solidity Smart Contract Auditor, Hacken
- Herman Junge - Lead Security Technical Manager, MetaMask
- ... and more!
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