Bring Collab.Land To Harmony
support bot and allow access to Discord & Telegram communities
type of job
updated at
28 months ago
job details
Individual artists and DAOs want to issue NFTs and social tokens that confer benefits to the community, including access, voting, and governance. Selectively allowing community access depending on token holdings is a function that ONE needs, which people do regularly on ETH so that we can easily onboard future artists.
problem to solve
Currently, only works with Ethereum token standards and with Roll, using Metamask and a few other wallets.
We need you to make a port or add existing support to bot to allow access to Discord/Telegram communities depending on HRC token holdings with a Harmony wallet.
acceptance criteria
- will work with HRC20 and HRC72, HRC1155 tokens to gate access
- will work with standard hot wallets including Harmony chrome extension and wallets
For Discord:
- Bot will automate server permissions via HRC token holdings in hot wallets including Metamask and Harmony's
- Bot will connect with these hot wallets to allow Discord roles/channels access based on HRC tokens in the wallet, like it does with ERC tokens in Metamask and grant the correct role
For Telegram:
- Bot will integrate with Telegram group to enable token Permissioned Chat where we can create an exclusive chatroom for members who hold a certain amount of HRC tokens, with all functionality and its subpages.
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