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NEAR University Grants Program

help Near educate and enable 1 million individuals by 2023

type of job



image 5M-10M

updated at

20 months ago

job details

projects to apply

  • Software projects

For devs of open-source educational components, whether standalone or part of a team.

  • Services

For educators to create tutorials, videos, workshops, or write docs for builders.

  • Other projects

A leaderboard with local, national and global meetup and trainings.

who can apply

Apply for a grant if you are highly motivated and self-directed, have a specific idea in mind, and are ready to get started immediately. You need the funding and we have it.

At least some part of your proposal must include plans to produce something of educational value for the NEAR ecosystem.

how to apply

Write a 1-2 page written proposal answering following questions:

  1. Who are you?
  2. What will you do?
  3. How will you do it?  
  4. How much will it cost?

The NEAR Education team will review your application and award up to tens of thousands of USD worth of NEAR tokens within a few days.

about the grant

The NEAR Education Team supports NEAR University grants program for products, teams, and service providers who share our mission to educate and enable 1 million individuals (developers, entrepreneurs, and educators) by 2023.

Have an idea? Get a grant from NEAR University!


open page
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