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Navcoin Grants Program

help Navcoin to achieve its mission of protecting the financial privacy

type of job


updated at

27 months ago

job details

about the grant program

  • Open to everyone

Everyone can get involved by submitting a proposal leaving it to the network to decide what's valuable.

  • Fully decentralized

As part of our network's consensus rules, the funds can only be spent through a dual consensus vote.

  • 500K NAV yearly

Every block that gets staked adds 0.5 NAV to the treasury, accumulating over time.

projects to apply

Anyone with an idea, and the willingness and ability to carry it out, can apply for a grant to be issued by our network through its decentralized treasury.

There are no set rules for what can be proposed to the network. However, most proposals are about helping Navcoin achieve its mission of protecting the financial privacy of every individual, either through concrete work or by supporting a cause that shares our beliefs.

how to apply

1. Submit a proposal

To apply for a grant, one must submit a proposal to our network, which will be evaluated and voted on by the community. You can use one of our wallets to submit your proposal to the network; however, before doing so, it's good practice to involve the community, listen to their thoughts, and address them if need be. When submitting the proposal itself, it's helpful to all if the proposal's title field contains a link to a more descriptive write-up on one of our social channels, as seen with previously accepted proposals.

2. Complete task

Once your proposal has been submitted to our network, it's time for our community to vote. For your proposal to become formally accepted on our network, it has to reach a minimum acceptance rate of 70% on a minimum participation rate of 50%. If your proposal successfully achieves this, your requested payment will become locked and unavailable to other proposals. Thus everything's set for you to deliver on the promise of your proposal.

3. Request payment

When you've completed the task as laid out in your proposal, you can request its payment. If clearly defined milestones structure the task of your proposal, you may choose to request partial payments along the way. Similar to the proposal, a payment request can be submitted to the network using one of our wallets and requires a minimum acceptance rate of 70% and a minimum participation rate of 50%.