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Front End TypeScript Developer

help the Remix team maintain and break new ground in blockchain development

type of job


updated at

25 months ago

job details

role overview

You will help the Remix team design, build and maintain Remix IDE.

They aim to diversify the scope of your activities as much as possible, and you will work with us in the Remix IDE project in organizing workshops, keeping in touch with the community and trying to make blockchain development accessible to the mainstream.


  • Build react views and components for Remix IDE. 
  • Maintain/Improving our testing stack (nightwatch).
  • Support blockchain developers in our gitter channel and help beginners on their first approach to blockchain development. 
  • Write clear and comprehensive technical documentation.


Skills & Experience

  • Degree in computer science, computer engineering or similar.
  • At least 2+ years experience in software development.
  • Familiar with open source projects and git.
  • Familiar with UI frameworks such as Bootstrap, Mui.
  • Excellent knowledge of Javascript and TypeScript.
  • Fluent in English.


  • NightwatchJS
  • MochaJS
  • Knowledge of Ethereum frameworks (e.g. Truffle, Hardhat) 
  • Familiarity with the Ethereum ecosystem and the technology


We are located in Berlin in a wonderful office but remote working is also possible. Our team is composed of people from Berlin and abroad (France, US, India, Nigeria). We usually meet everyone in person several times a year for team gathering or conferences (Devcon, EthCC, Dappcon, etc.)

about us

The Ethereum Foundation (EF) is a global non-profit organization dedicated to supporting Ethereum and related technologies. Our mission is to do what is best for Ethereum’s long-term success. Our role is to allocate resources to critical projects, to be a valued voice within the Ethereum ecosystem, and to advocate for Ethereum to the outside world.


open page
Ethereum Foundation
Ethereum Foundation
Is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting Ethereum.