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Web3 Engineer

build the cryptographic primitives that will form the bedrock of a rich and vibrant ecosystem of decentralized applications

type of job


updated at

21 months ago

job details

role overview

You will write and improve code, and take part in the engineering processes of the Privacy & Scaling Explorations Research Group.

It's a cutting-edge technological research group exploring practical applications for Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Scaling solutions. Our mission is to build the cryptographic primitives that will form the bedrock of a rich and vibrant ecosystem of decentralized applications, built on Ethereum. We do this through pure research projects, by building proofs of concept, and by facilitating the integration of technological primitives into decentralized applications. Examples of projects we are working on include zkEVMZkopru, Unirep, Semaphore and MACI.


Main requirements:

  • Get excited about the technical rabbit holes of Ethereum
  • Have technical knowledge of Ethereum and understand the key vocabulary
  • Be interested in building applications and infrastructure that help Ethereum to scale and to enable user privacy
  • Have a strong interest in learning about applications of Zero Knowledge Proofs
  • Have experience with system architecture
  • Be an FOSS enthusiast and have an active Github profile
  • Experience with browser extension
  • Building for WASM
  • NoSQL database: Firebase or Mongodb
  • Messaging frameworks
  • Some familiarity with building and running zk-SNARK circuits

Tech Stack:

  • Solidity
  • TS/JS
  • Ethers
  • React
  • Nodejs
  • Unit testing
  • Web service development

about us

The Ethereum Foundation (EF) is a global non-profit organization dedicated to supporting Ethereum and related technologies. Our mission is to do what is best for Ethereum’s long-term success. Our role is to allocate resources to critical projects, to be a valued voice within the Ethereum ecosystem, and to advocate for Ethereum to the outside world.


open page
Ethereum Foundation
Ethereum Foundation
Is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting Ethereum.