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Ignite Accelerator

speed up the time to market of your project

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updated at

20 months ago

job details

about the program

A fast-track program to support blockchain developers from idea to launch, with access to mentorship, networking, talent, and capital.

  • Receive mentorship from the best

Benefit from support, mentorship, and go-to-market expertise from our professionals who will help you with your blockchain development, growth plan, and brand strategy.

  • Scale your business

Prepare to meet with a selection of investors who can inject capital to fuel your growth while you are still at an early stage and act as strategic partners, drawing on their experience in the industry.

  • Expand your network

Get privileged access to a selection of partners, agencies, talents, and other accelerator participants. You’ll be part of an exclusive community of entrepreneurs and builders.

What the accelerator program offers

1/ Technical

  • Ignite CLI dedicated support
  • Documentation review by our content specialists
  • Code review by our engineers

2/ Growth

  • Growth plan consultancy
  • Marketing and PR strategy consultancy
  • Cross-visibility on our channels
  • Tokenomics review

3/ Creative

  • Guidance and feedback
  • Connection to the best partners

The program is backed by an initial fund of $150M


We’re proud to join forces with prestigious partners to further support our accelerated projects

  • Alameda Research
  • KuCoin Ventures
  • OKX Ventures
  • Hashkey Capital
  • Chorus One
  • Figment
  • Chainlayer
  • Strangelove
  • Forbole
  • Everstake
  • Galileo
  • Simply VC


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