join the support program for promising developers and teams
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26 months ago
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All Web3 opportunities right in your pocket
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About the program
The DFINITY Developer Grant Program aims to catalyze the growth of the Internet Computer ecosystem and make the Internet Computer accessible and approachable to more developers around the world by providing support to promising developers and teams.
Total funding available: $200,000,000
Focus areas
Developer Tooling, e.g. IDEs, debuggers, logging libraries
Infrastructure, e.g. oracles, asset bridges
Integrations & APIs, e.g. chat, email, maps
DApps & Open Internet Services, Canister Development Kits (CDKs) & Agents
The grants program is a non-dilutive form of financing your project. Please note however that this program is not meant to be a source of venture funding. If you are actively fundraising, consider applying to the Beacon Fund.