HOPR is a digital data privacy and protection platform
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organization details
The HOPR project aims to allow everyone – whether individuals, companies or organisations – to use the Internet safely and securely, as is their right.
current challenges
At HOPR we're building the foundations for a more private and resilient web. But to succeed, we also need to challenge the economic power structures that shackle today's web to unhealthy and unsustainable business models.
We need natively digital organizations to drive the next wave of inclusive innovation. Open technology platforms rely on and enable communities instead of emperors and shareholders.
HOPR is pioneering decentralized, community-enabling governance (DecenGov) as a techno-legal framework that combines the dynamics of communities with the efficiencies of crypto networks and the advantages of established legal bodies to govern collective efforts.
culture & values
At HOPR, we believe the Internet is a public good – a digital commons that should be available to all without fear of their activity being recorded by those who have no right to do so. We also believe there is a pragmatic, achievable, community oriented way to accomplish this goal, one that could bring benefts to individuals, companies and society at large.
- Guardian of choices
Everyone should have the chance to make decisions in their lives as freely and uninfluenced as possible. This is exactly what we are committed to - neutrally and transparently.
- Curious pioneer
We want to improve the privacy standards of the digital world and are always looking for new ways to do so. We boldly go new ways. And when we find a suitable way, we do everything we can to make it work for our community and society.
- Vivid organism
HOPR is a living ecosystem made up of many different people who share the same goal. We want everyone to have the space for their own ideas and to be able to develop freely. To achieve this, we create a climate of fairness and trust in which it is fun to work together towards our goal.
While working as technical solution providers in the blockchain ecosystem since 2016, the HOPR founding team encountered the lack of a go-to solution for metadata private point-to-point data exchange solutions. The HOPR team aims to create a point-to-point messaging protocol that enables greater functionality than existing broadcasting solutions such as Ethereum's Whisper network.
Thus the HOPR team decided in 2018 to develop an incentivized mixnet infrastructure to improve on the privacy and economic incentives of existing of VPNs and privacy communication protocols like Tor. The first public demo of the network layer was presented at EthCC in early 2019 and subsequently followed with HOPR joining the Binance Fellowship program. Additionally, HOPR was initially funded using grants received from the Gitcoins second CLR round. In early 2020, HOPR was established as a Swiss-based association and closed a funding round led by Binance Labs.
core team
Sebastian Bürgel - Founder
Steven Nonis - Software Engineer
At HOPR Association we are working on a challenging and foundational infrastructure component of the web3: a decentralized and incentivized mix network that allows any two parties to exchange data without third parties knowing that they are communicating and without leaking any other metadata.
This is what we offer you:
- A young, dynamic + international team to work with
- Flat hierarchies with space for you + your ideas
- An encouraging atmosphere for clever minds
- A fast-paced working environment in a Swiss association
- A competitive salary + benefits like token allocation
- Office in the heart of Zurich