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Welcome to the interaction economy. The future of how creators and their communities connect

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Mission & Key Concepts

We’re bringing the power of web3 to content creators.

RepubliK is decentralizing value creation and distribution, helping content creators maximize their value.

RepubliK is like nothing before – a self-sustaining virtual economy built into a social content platform that puts power back into the hands of content Creators everywhere. By offering all of the powerful tools they need to supercharge their careers within a single platform, every content Creator will finally have control over their destiny.

“Creators First” - Our Core Philosophy!

  • Creators Should Keep What They Earn

High platform take rates and splits should be a thing of the past. For instance, we see no reason for your favorite tools to take 50% of your subscriptions. On RepubliK you keep what you earn.

  • Every User Should Get Rewarded

RepubliK rewards users at every level of engagement – not only creators, but also the audience – for their contribution to the platform, allowing everyone to earn for time spent interacting with content, referring friends, and supporting creators – unlike current social media platforms that take their time and attention for free.

  • As The Platform Grows, So Should You

RepubliK makes it easy for anyone to hold a stake in the platform. Hold tokens and you share in the growth and success of the platform.

Supercharging the creator economy:

  • Interact To Earn

Most social platforms take your time and attention for free. RepubliK uniquely rewards everyone in the ecosystem for their time spent interacting on the platform.

  • Web2 Meets Web3

RepubliK supercharges familiar creator monetization tools with the power of Web3. Our tech will transform interaction and bridge Web2 and Web3 users together.

  • Creator Tokens

Smart contracts facilitate trustless management of future value streams, unlocking a world of possibilities for content creators.

Culture & Values

The right team to succeed!

Just like the creators we serve, RepubliK’s founding team comes from a diverse range of backgrounds spread across the globe. We are dreamers, creators, artists, programmers, established founders, marketers, game designers, event organizers and engineers, united by a singular vision to revolutionize the creator economy, giving power back to talent and fans through RepubliK.

Core Team

  • Daniel He - Co-founder
  • Richmond Teo - Lead Advisor & Co-founder
  • Linus Maloney - Head of Operations


  • At RepubliK we build an equal, respectful culture
  • We highly appreciate self-development and embrace it
  • We offer our employees fair and competitive conditions and benefits
  • We are a family-first company and have flexible working times