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Aeternity Crypto Foundation Grant Program

help the technical advancement of the æternity open source protocol and build your Aeternity-based project

type of job


updated at

27 months ago

job details

about the grant program

The æternity crypto foundation is a non-profit organization established in the Principality of Liechtenstein. The foundation supports open source development of the aeternity protocol and its surrounding ecosystems.

Since establishment of the foundation, over 36 grants have been paid out.

Funding Categories

Main focus of support is technical advancement of the æternity open source protocol.

Further target areas are the promotion of æternity ecosystems.

  • Open Source Development. Foster open source development is main funding focus of the æternity crypto foundation (ACF).
  • Research and Education. The ACF supports research and education in the fields of blockchain technology, cryptography and mathematics.
  • Community Growth. The ACF is interested in community driven initiatives. Examples are: The æmbassador program and
  • Culture and Art. Creative work is supported in various ways. One example is the YAIR art project

Core and Essentials Development Domains

The 7 domains are current focus areas of the open source core and essentials development and their approximate funding allocation weighting. The displayed allocation may be adjusted, as development and its priorities are subject to change.

  1. Protocol Maintenance
  2. Protocol Development
  3. SDKs
  4. Wallets and Interfaces
  5. æpps and Integrations
  6. Middleware Backend API
  7. Dev-Tools

How to apply

The æternity crypto foundation welcomes individuals, teams and non-commercial projects. Please prepare your submission according to these required application guidelines.


open page
æternity is a scalable blockchain platform that enables high-speed transacting, purely-functional smart contracts, and decentralized oracles. Coded in Erlang.