Uniswap Grants Program
bring innovations and help to build Uniswap Ecosystem
26 months ago
job details
about the grant program
The Uniswap Grants Program continues to grow as a vital part of the Uniswap ecosystem. To date, $1.4M dollars have been awarded to 38 grantees working on tooling, usability, security review, documentation, community efforts, and education.
For a decentralized, open-source protocol like Uniswap, this kind of collaborative building effort plays a crucial role in ecosystem growth. The future of Uniswap depends not only on the Uniswap Labs team, but also on a rich community of collaborators who are all building on the same protocol. This is why the Uniswap Grants Program exists.
UGP Process Outline
Below is a summary of the UGP Applicant Pipeline broken down into 3 stages of processing:
1. Application Intake
2. Team Evaluations
3. Grantee Approvals
Applications are now rolling indefinitely - no deadlines and no pressure. Just pure innovation...
To start, please feel free to join us on this journey in building the program together with relevant links. For any questions, concerns, or just to start a conversation, reach out to us on twitter (@uniswapgrants) or email us support@unigrants.org
More about grants: unigrants.org